Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today I participated in my first pig killing. We had to separate the pig from the rest of its family, running around like sheep dogs to divide them. Then we had to try to capture the thing. It was very fast. We had a net that wasn't especially effective, so we were essentially just trying to chase the thing into a corner. It conveniently got stuck in a section of fence. Antonello jumped up behind it and grabbed it by one of the rear legs. He held it while he called for the hammer. With the hammer in hand he beat the thing on the back of the skull, stopping the screaming and stunning the pig. Then he thrust a rusty bayonette down underneath the breast bone of the pig to pierce the aorta. It took about thirty seconds for the pig to bleed out. We then hoisted it up, stretching it by the rear legs between to support pillars in the barn. Benoit and I skinned it and gutted it there. I suppose we will eat it tonight as we are scheduled to kill another tomorrow. I took no pictures of this one as I didn't want to foul my camera with the blood that got over everything.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, I am thankful there are no pictures to accompany this post.

    Update, Simon, update! I'm sure you have much more to tell now. :)
