Friday, August 19, 2011


      I've nearly done it and conquered all of the crap that I've carried around for the last few years. My car is totally empty now, and everything except one bag of clothes is is storage. For the moment I'm staying in a tent in the garden of the Hill Guitar home/office. No sense in getting used to beds now, plus there are fresh raspberries right outside my bedroom flap. It's a great thing to wake up to.
My office

My bedroom

     I've run around and collected the last few things that I need over a few days. It was all much more expensive then I really wanted it to be, but not much more than I expected. Now I have a tiny computer, a functional camera, and a backpack that is not completely destroyed. I've got my pack dialed and down to about 18 pounds, but that is without a tent, or this computer. I expect it to go up to around 25, which is well below my limit. I am excited to start making footprints.
18 pounds - fighting weight

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Pre-emptive Test

         This is the first official post. Hopefully the first of many. I am still unsure of who will be looking at this, really who my audience is. Right now it's just me. Today I said goodbye to one of my many families, a family of brothers and sisters who I passed the summer with. It was a heart wrencher and I was upset to be without any profound words. Maybe I'll post them here once they come to me. Tomorrow I will be getting baby shmeeb of a computer and a camera to continue to update this blog during my voyage. Until then we shall remain without visuals. Seven days until I leave and lots to do. Tonight we will sleep.